
Sunday, November 26, 2006

Week 6

# 13. Tagging, Folksonomies & Technorati. Discovering - sounds like a restaurant menu than anything else. Delicious can be used if you use computers in different places, like at work and one from home, it stores your bookmarks and you can get access from anywhere you can find an internet computer. This would be great for students.

Reading and listening to the Discovery Resources is fine at first, but then it starts to get complicated, opening new links to read then new links within the new links etc....I need more time.
So back to the beginning, I created an account and have a favourite recipe bookmark. I searched for a traditional Northern Italian recipes and found an entry for Pizzoccheri (buckwheat pasta dish) which I added rather reluctantly to my bookmark (I wasn't very impressed with the annotation and well the recipe left a lot to be desired). Think I'll have to post my own......?


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